Motion+ Fleet

Be one step ahead.

Let’s boost your business.

Motion+ Fleet is the perfect optimization solution: Organize your battery and charger pool with our new tool, which gives you all the key features of a state-of-the-art energy solutions management system.

Our efficient battery fleet management system not only supports your gut feeling but also provides you with reliable real time data and facts. With the help of smart analyses and reports, you can make transparent decisions that you can absolutely rely on.

Ensure maximum effectiveness with minimum use of resources. It’s all about avoiding downtime and continuing to ensure efficiency without sacrificing financially. We want to help you maintain that balance.

Best of all, the system quickly shows you where there is potential for optimization. You can asses if there are always enough batteries available or even if there are too many, wasting valuable space and not needed at all.


Monitor Charger and Batteries traction batteries


Act independently within the cloud.

With Motion+ Fleet, you can turn your logistics operations into data, make them more transparent and use them to your advantage. Of course, you can access the data from anywhere in the world, secured by the market-leading cloud architecture (AWS). Whether from laptops, smartphones or tablets, you can access all data and the performance indicators you have defined for each operating location at any time:

  • Constant visibility of battery and charging history and vital parametersData Access
  • Monitoring, analysis and control of energy consumption
  • Battery warranty and lifetime management
  • Automated alarm messages for logistics management

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Funktioner og fordele

Motion_plus_fleet_image fleet management for traction batteries
  1. ​​​​​​​Monitor batteries and chargers

    Monitor Charger and Batteries traction batteries

  2. Create data transparency

    Data Transparency_motion plus

  3. Optimize processes

    optimize processes fleet management traction batteries

  4. Energy management and optimization

    energy management fleet management traction batteries

Motion_plus_fleet_image fleet management for traction batteries
Motion_plus_fleet_image fleet management for traction batteries

​​​​​​​Monitor batteries and chargers

Monitor Charger and Batteries traction batteries

Create data transparency

Data Transparency_motion plus

Optimize processes

optimize processes fleet management traction batteries

Energy management and optimization

energy management fleet management traction batteries

What are Chargers?

Battery chargers restore the electrical energy used during battery operation back to a full state of charge. Battery chargers come in many shapes and sizes designed to replace the energy consumed with...