Sharon Cottam – VP Human Resources
Stefan Stübing – President and CEO
Adrian Cox – VP Legal and Group Compliance Committee Chair
In Exide we have always had a strong commitment to managing our business in the right way, ethically, with integrity and in full compliance with the laws. This dedication to doing things the right way is the key to our performance and meeting our business priorities and goals. Compliance is the cornerstone of our culture and principles in our business and in Exide we have a robust approach to governance and compliance.
Our compliance program consists of a number of key elements:
A group compliance committee that meets quarterly to review global compliance topics.
A Code of Ethics & Business Conduct that sets out clearly the principles of how we govern our business. This is reviewed regularly and we ask certain key populations to certify that they have read and understand it.
A robust online training compliance program. This consists of 4 compliance programs per annum.
A confidential “guideline” telephone number and or web application by country that allows employees or external parties to call anonymously and report a potential violation of the Codes. These are then investigated in the strictest confidence.
We want to take the opportunity to remind you of our confidential guideline numbers and in addition we now have a web application that can be used, so employees and external parties can use this if they wish in addition to the traditional telephone numbers.
All employees and external parties are encouraged to use the guideline service in cases where their anonymity is desired.
Reports may cover but are not limited to the following topics:
- Violation of Exide's policies
- Violations of the law
- Vandalism and sabotage
- Objectionable behaviour
- Threats
- Fraud, bribery, theft, embezzlement
- Ethical offences
- Abuse of power
- Harassment / discrimination in the workplace
Please note that the information provided by you may be the basis of an internal and/or external investigation into the issue you are reporting and your anonymity will be protected to the extent possible by law by our external consultancy support Whistleblower software.
However, your identity may become known during the course of the investigation because of the information you have provided. Reports are submitted by Whistleblower software to a company designee for investigation according to our company policies.
Whistleblower software toll free number and other methods of reporting are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for use by employees and staff.
These are defined below:

- Telephone (toll free): +45 808 306 06, which requires the code 9312. Each call is encrypted and treated identically to a written report.
The Legal Department and the Human Resources Department at Exide will robustly support employees who do the right thing. If you have any further questions please reach out to either your legal or country HR contact.